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Father said "Create what you see"

We see a Family of people who have so grown

in the likeness of Yeshua, that they walk fully

in His nature, His dominion, and where ever they are

eternity manifests in all creation.

The Father established a new creation through Yeshua in which to build the new Heavens and Earth. Now we as the Quhal (ecclesia) are a Tribe of eternal based people growing and walking in this new creation of immortality in the divine nature of Christ

The Family is made up of these individuals that are dedicated to pursuing Christ and growing into the fullness of all Yeshua has provided.


     1Corthians 15:49 ......bear the image of the heavenly

      Rom 8:29 ......conformed to the image of His son.


To achieve this individuals of the family have positioned

themselves within the fathering of

Leon and Rowan Kelly along with their

mentoring team. In order for each individual,

through those relationships, to grow in the nature

of Divine Sonship and in the Ways of Eternity. 


    Malachi 4:6 ...restoring the hearts of the Fathers to

   their  children, and the hearts of the children to their



The eternal Fathering principle is to walk with

others in the process of becoming manifested Sons of YHVH.

This is built on the Way of the Kingdom of YHVH,  

called 'Fathers in Sons and Sons in Fathers'.

discipling process we see throughout the bible,

and the way of relationship Yeshua had with His Father.

We also see it duplicated in the way that Yeshua walked with His disciples,

and continued throughout the early Ecclesia,

     1 Timothy 1:18 as Paul said .....Timothy my son......


We are a Family of people who are passionate, uncompromising and abandoned worshippers of YHVH. Sons who are dedicated to position themselves to grow in the divine nature, the image of Christ, until the full revealing of that divine Son is manifested. 


       Romans 8:19  'The earth is groaning for the

       manifestation of the Sons of God'


We will see the emergence and development of the manifested

Sons of YHVH as ONE living from another dimension into the

Earth. An Eternal people displaying immortality

and the reality and Glory of YHVH.


    John 17: 21-22  ...and the Glory which you gave me

    I have given them that they may be one, even as 

    we are one.

     Dan 11:32 'Those that KNOW (intimately acquainted

    to the point of becoming one in divine nature of

    Christ)  Elohiym will do great ( as He is) and mighty

    (supernatural) exploits...(works,activities and



As well as one on one relationship, we also gather corporately

to grow in the manifestation of that Sonship,

to arc in Christ, seated with Him to co create, (building together),

a habitation of the Kingdom of Heaven and Glory of Yeshua (Jesus) in all creation.

A global likeness of Yeshua!


     Eph 2:22 in whom you also are built together for a

     habitation of Yah through the Ruach. 

By positioning ourselves in a corporate environment that is engaged with the Realm of Eternity, full of the wind, fire, Glory, light, breath and Word of YHVH,  we worship and abandoned our hearts in intimate relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, growing in His divine nature and appearance. We then learn to function in the ways of YHVH to Co-create with Christ and the Quhal (Ecclesia) as kings and priests, bringing the reality of His divine nature and dominion in all creation for the manifestation, full restoration and new creation of all that Christ paid for. 


                     What has developed, and the fruit of a family of believers who

position themselves in the ways of Eternity

regarding Sonship, is awesome!

                       We see this not as a program but a life, walking together through the revealing of a Divine Son of YHVH, and establishing

the nature of Eternity in all creation,


Matt 6:10 ...your will be done on Earth as is Heaven. 

We have established regional governmental sonship bases we call 'The Altar',

along with sonship portals that help facilitate this aspect of the movement.

They are in  Whanganui/Manawatu and Auckland NZ

Plus our online base called 'ARC Sons Global'.Where you can be part of the Family

from anywhere in the World!

See The Altar page to find out more info.

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